BenchmarkHQ - SPMarkJava06


By Futuremark Corporation

  SPMarkJava06 is a richly featured handheld device benchmark designed to measure and evaluate the system's performance in running Java applications. Targeted for MIDP 2.0 and JSR 184 capable handheld devices (in contrast to its predecessor, which was targeted for smartphones), the benchmark's workloads consist of 3D gaming, 2D gaming, video playback, image processing, Java Virtual Machine (JVM) testing, and battery testing. Additionally the benchmark displays detailed system information of the device and its Java implementation. Coupled with Futuremark's original Online ResultBrowser (ORB) service it is now possible to submit results and compare those against any other phones in the database.

  Running the complete series of default tests will result in a calculated overall performance score, SPMarkJava06 score. Any number of user selectable individual tests can be selected and run for custom benchmarking requirements.
Here's the full list of available tests:
  • High Detail 3D Game Test. Flying warship in fast pursuit of off-road Jeep-like vehicle. The test runs at full resolution for device, up to QVGA, approximately 5,000 polygons rendered per frame. 15 objects, 1 camera, 1 directional light affecting one object (warship), 128x128 texture size. (Available only in Advanced and Professional Editions).
  • Low Detail 3D Game Test. Off-road Jeep-like vehicle driving around a desolated area. The test also runs at full resolution for device, approximately 3,000 polygons rendered per frame. 10 objects.
  • 2D Game Test. Designed to replicate workload of simple game with bitmap graphics: Driving game with bird's eye view. MIDP 2.0 required to run test. Test measures performance on CLDC 1.0 devices. package classes used heavily including bitmap rendering and collision detection. Workload generated by adding independently scrolling bitmap layers with transparency.
  • Video Processing. Measures video playback rate, uses H.263 Codec and JSR 135 API. 176 x 144 resolution. 15 FPS frame rate. 40kBps bit rate. (Available only in Advanced and Professional Editions).
  • Image Processing. Portions of an image are encoded and decoded on screen. PNG image format.
  • JVM-Test. Theoretical test, consisting of series of subtests, which measure specific JVM operations. Subtests vary from simple arithmetic operations to complicated but critical operations such as object creation.
  • Battery Test. User selected tests run in looped sequence until battery is fully drained or the OS shuts down the Java application due to low battery. This test is available only in Advanced and Professional Editions.

  Performance results and system information can be uploaded directly from SPMarkJava06, which uses the device's default internet browser. Users can create a free account on the ORB or log onto their existing account with their username and password. Once the data is loaded into the ORB, the results can be browsed using their internet connected PC or the device's browser.

System requirements.

MIDP 2.0 and JSR 184 enabled device for 3D Game Test
JSR 135 implementation for Video Processing Test
CLDC 1.0 device required for 2D Game Test
CLDC 1.1 for floating point calculations

Pricing and availability.

Futuremark offers different versions of SPMarkJava06.
  • Basic Edition - available at no cost to allow testing of the user's personal devices.
  • Advanced Edition - available for $3.00 USD per license, offers full features and a playable game.
  • Professional Edition - the most comprehensive and provides industry companies with rights to publish results. Binary versions of the Professional Edition are priced at $20,000 USD for the first license, $5000 for each additional license.

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